Unorganized or a scam

PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
Unorganized or a scam
PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
Has anyone ever gotten a response from liberty con about anything that didn't have to do with money? They only appear to answer questions about how to volunteer (and work for no money) or how to register (and give them your money). Everything else is just ignored. I've messaged them on this site, commented on Facebook. I've deleted my tweet once it became clear they don't actually use their Twitter account. I've never been to a con where you had to wait days and still got no response. Even the small Cons send you the generic "we'll get back to you in a bit as we are still working on whatever you're asking about" e-mail. I don't know if they're unorganized or if this is just a scam. :( I wish I had asked more questions before I paid for this.

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
I would like to assume its not a scam but you never know. They actually set up this forum a few days ago after I emailed them requesting whether or not they were going to. I specified things like "how else are people supposed to set up photo shoots, meet ups, etc" mostly considering the fact that I and many others do not use facebook. I've also asked questions regarding hall cosplay and masquerade and gotten replies as well.
Now if only I had an idea for a panel then I could email them that and see what happens. So far the only mishap I see is the forum is a little wonky since it takes a little extra effort to do anything from logging in, to making a post. They probably would have done better to set up through invisionfree or sprebb or whatever but a forum is a forum and the purpose it serves is to communicate.

PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
Yes, it's looking more like they are just unorganized. I actually went to the hotel and they say the convention is being held there. They have actually booked the space so that's a relief, I suppose. Still they shouldn't just not replay to patrons. On the other hand, you can't cancel or transfer your ticket/registration so It's not like I can do much about it at this point. I'm just going to hope for the best and have a good time.

ashleym100 @ashleym100
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
ashleym100 @ashleym100
Sorry for the delay. If you were asking about a refund or transfer, unfortunately I believe there are no refunds this year. Unfortunately that's out of my hands, I'm sorry.
I personally think social media is a terrible way to communicate. You can email us any questions from - but of course it will take a while to get back to you, as it would at most other conventions. I don't know which conventions get back to you as quickly as you've said (except for automated replies - which don't count), because I've never had a con reply to an inquiry in less than a couple weeks.

PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
My original question was not about a refund on my registration. I sent the message through the site, by clicking the link in the about section but I will look at url address you post tomorrow when I'm at a desktop and not a mobile phone. And the only con I have needed to wait weeks for a replay would be San Diego and New York. NYCC actually replied a week after the event but those are massive gatherings. You can not compare a new Con to those two. I think I should have waited 5-7 business day before becoming impatient but a "couple weeks" for a reply for a Convention with less than 1000 ticket holders is slightly ridiculous.

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
I spoke to the head over email yesterday. He said they run 10 conventions a year or something. Thats pretty intense and with that its no wonder they don't get back to you right away. I can't think of which cons since there's really not much up here. Unless they have a hand in like animeNEXT or anime boston as well. Though I hope that answers your question. And next time don't forget to use the email function (:

cross1980 @cross1980
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
cross1980 @cross1980
I sent a message too the way is say you're supposed to in the about section under how to contact the convention, just like you poisonedwit. It sounds like you two are hinting that's if we wanted a replay we should've know to go searching for an email address and NOT followed the instructions listed.

PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
commented on
Unorganized or a scam
PoisonedWhitt @poisonedwhitt
Cross1980, I noticed the implications that it's my fault for not ignoring the basic directions of "click here", but it's not worth arguing over. If you still have questions you can try the url AshleyM100 suggested. I honestly stopped caring but I hope you get an answer.
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