Cosplay PhotoShoots

dokudel @dokudel
Cosplay PhotoShoots
dokudel @dokudel
Here you can organize what photoshoots you like to run.

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
Cosplay PhotoShoots
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
I hope to see some Star Driver, Onmyou Taisenki, and Code Geass cosplayers (: I don't really know the area very well as far as photoshoot locations but I'll be Takuto(star driver) on friday, Ikazuchi no Fusanoshin(onmyou taisenki) on saturday, and CC(code geass) on sunday :D

kyasia1995 @kyasia1995
commented on
Cosplay PhotoShoots
kyasia1995 @kyasia1995
I do know there will be a steampunk and ursula cosplay

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
Cosplay PhotoShoots
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
XD I think I saw a steampunk ursula in the masquarade xD They sure did epic !!
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