time square ehh?

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
time square ehh?
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
Dunno if you seen the news lately, but are you sure you guys wanna do that?

Topa15 @topa15
commented on
time square ehh?
Topa15 @topa15
Why not time square?

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
time square ehh?
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
Dunno if you heard of the recent slashings im the subway and on the street or not. But from the looks of it the city is quiet dangerous these days.

Shido @shido
commented on
time square ehh?
Shido @shido
It can happen anywhere. Just stay safe and don't walk alone/less-travelled areas.

otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
commented on
time square ehh?
otaku_gunso @otaku_gunso
Sounds like things have quieted down so that's good
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